Being Constant

Wow! 9 months since I last blogged! So much has happened, so much has changed! I am now married to my best friend and love of my life. I have a new job doing what I love and enjoy, working with young people in Derby, and my husband and I are settling well into our new church family!
During this time of change I have grown and I have changed.
I have laughed and cried, I have danced and celebrated, I have grieved and hurt. I have learnt to love and be loved. Its been a tough journey, BUT through all of this, God has remained consent. He stays true to his promises, and never gives up on us.

My new job is teaching me about the importance of being constant. I work with young people where the only thing that is constant in their lives is change. Change in parents relationship status, change in peers, change in emotional well being, change in school, change in behavior, change in address.
Because of change, I believe that young people find it hard to trust, they find it hard to believe in themselves or society. They have not always seen the results that come from staying strong and not giving up. They expect people to give up on them and not to support them or cheer for them.

But all that they need, is someone who will not give up on them when and if they fail (and keep on failing). Someone who will fight for them and speak up for them when family and friends are against them. They need someone who will accept them for who they are (not to be dependent on change). Someone who will rejoice with them and honor them when they are successful and achieve.

God has been there and will continue to be there for me – when I fail, when I succeed, when I walk away, when I am close! Gods relationship with me is not dependent on my performance, but surely it is dependent on my heart.
For me to be able to be there for the young people here in Derby, to be able to be the constant thing in their lives is an overflow of Gods relationship towards me. It is because of Gods love for me that I am able.

I know that I am called to love the unloved, to look for the best in people, to remain consent through change.